Pour le générique de la série de Dadju Ca Va Bien Se Passer un documentaire Canal + création, produit par Flair et réalisé par Teo Frank, l'agence MTR s'est occupée de quelques montages additionnels de séquences mais...

Build your list! Insert a sentence here to get people to sign up to your emails. Be creative with your language (don't just say "sign up to my list") and say what they will receive. Make them want to hear from you!

They’ve seen your blog / archives, and now you want a positive CTA here for people to take the next step and get in touch.
Tell them HOW you want them to get in touch, ie. with a button to book a call, a contact form, a phone number or email address, etc. You could even insert a short video to say hi and be super personable!
Make it easy for them to connect with you in as few clicks as possible.